What a way to start the week!! I received a MeMe Award from Chloe at Finding Design With Chloe. Chloe's blog is all about garden design. She summed it up best when she said my blog is about the inside and her blog is about the outside. And I need help with the outside. Not only is Chloe a great gardener, she is also a great blogging friend. Thanks so much for the award Chloe. I don't blog for the awards or money (good thing huh?), but it sure is nice to when you do get a little mention!! The best part of receiving the MeMe? Well, you guessed it, it is all about me.
There are a few simple Meme rules:
- Link back to the person who gave you the award.
- Reveal seven things about yourself.
- Choose seven other blogs to nominate, and post a link to them.
- Let each of your choices know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.
- And finally, let the tagger know, when your post is up!
Now the reveal. I am sure you are all on pins and needles...
1. I don't wear pink. Ever. I like pink. A lot. On other people. On me it feels silly. I have a tunic that is brown with pink stitching. That is about as pink as I get.

2. I am afraid of frogs, snakes and lizards. They make me gag. I'd rather eat a spider than see a frog, snake or lizard. Even a picture of one. At the beginning of summer a lizard kept getting in my house and sunbathing in my bedroom. I had to have my neighbor come get it out (thanks Beth!) I was gagging in the kitchen. You know, a lizard is just a snake with legs....
3. One of my favorite movies is The Parent Trap. The original with Hayley Mills. Let's get together, yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't know what I'm talking about? Click here.

4. If you live in Wilmington, you already know this, but for everyone else...my husband and I have a date night every Saturday night. And we go to the same Mexican restaurant. And I get the same thing to eat. And it makes me very happy!!! I am a very healthy eater but on Saturday night watch out. And watch your fingers. Don't get too close to the cheese dip or the salsa.
5. I don't eat sugar. O.K. I try not to eat sugar. It makes me mean and cranky and extremely grumpy. Thank goodness I am more of a salt person. If I feel I have to have something sweet I will have Carb-Smart Sugar Free Ice Cream. Vanilla with some Diet Coke. Nothing better than a Coke float.
6. When I was little I preferred playing cowboys and Indians over dolls. I still love cowboy and Indian inspired clothing. Just don't wear them all at the same time.
6. When I was little I preferred playing cowboys and Indians over dolls. I still love cowboy and Indian inspired clothing. Just don't wear them all at the same time.
7. Blue Hydrangeas are not my favorite flowers. I do love them. But I love some others as well. My blog got it's name because one night I mentioned to my husband that I needed a hobby to entertain me while I was stuck at home (I mean lucky enough to be home) with Butterball. I thought I might like to start a blog, but I really knew nothing about blogs except that I loved to read them. The next day my husband said "Hon, you're all set. You just need a name. " What? That quick? I didn't have a name or even an idea of what I was doing. I had to do some quick thinking. My favorite color is blue and the street I live on is Hydrangea. So there you go! Blue Hydrangea was born and so far so good!
Do you feel like you know me better or that you know too much about me?
I am working on the seven blogs to pass the MeMe Award on to and it is hard!! Much harder than I thought. I promise to get back to you on this! In the meantime have a great Monday!