
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

If You're Happy

If you're happy and you know it
Count your money

If you're happy and you know it
Count your money

If you're happy and you know it
Then your wallet will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it
Count your money

The Barn Sale was a huge success!
Thank you to everyone who came down to the beach to see us!!
Want to do it again in the fall?

(And yes, I am just kidding, it's not all about the money)


  1. Wish I lived there! I would have snatched up everything and then drank all your wine :).

  2. Congratualtuons!!! I am glad it went well:)

  3. you are too funny. Did you sell those lamps? How about the glasses? I couldn't decide. Oh, how I wish I could've gone!!

  4. Looks like so much fun! And can I tell you how jealous I am you have money to count? I think I need an antique booth intervention. Will you please come to Nashville and help us? Maybe Bri and I should do a Barn Sale. There are a lot of barns around here. Hmmm.

  5. Ha I love this song. Happy it was a success for you. I know of a barn in California you could use, please come out!

  6. So many things I would have bought! Thank goodness I don't live anywhere near you or you'd be counting MY money right now!

  7. Barn sale sounds like a good idea! So are you gonna buy more stuff with that money??

  8. Yes I would have spent far too much money...thank god we're not neighbors.....but if you could let me know when you'll do it again...

    xo Jane

  9. Dear Sissy,
    Etsy!!! Please?


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