About 8 years ago I decided to make my dreams come true and I ordered this lace up pair. They looked good, they smelled good, and I could creep through the house as quiet as an Indian. But they just wouldn't stay up. It drove me crazy so I sent them back and settled for...
A simple moccasin. Which I have loved, but my six year old self still wants some dad gum fringed boots so....
I decided to go all out and ordered this pair. I know, can you stand it? They came, they look good, they smell good and they stay up. My unicorn has arrived...almost. Is there too much of a good thing? Too much fringe? Do I look more like Charo less like Daniel Boone?

A simple moccasin. Which I have loved, but my six year old self still wants some dad gum fringed boots so....

What do you think? Do you have a favorite?
considering you live at the beach....will you be wearing these with your bathing suit?
ReplyDeleteSissy, you crack me up. Daniel Boone is my college's unofficial mascot. It used to be a huge source of embarrassment; I'm rethinking that now. Love both boots. Oh, decisions. I would do the same thing (ask my husband 62,000 times). I really think you'll only know by trying them on. But I would've never thought Charo about the super fringe-y ones. Good luck and let us know which pair wins!
ReplyDeleteThe first pair is giving me a Chewbaca leg vibe, but probably look great on. I'm partial to the second pair. Keep the ones that make you feel fierce.
ReplyDeleteoh too funny- Chewbaca! But not in real life, I promise. They look awesome in real life.
ReplyDeleteI got a pair of these a few years ago, so comfy. I hope the Boone look has a moment this fall.
ReplyDeleteRock that fringe, honey. ; )
ReplyDeleteI'll be singing the DB theme song all day. Loved that show. Now I've outed myself as a complete nerd!
Daniel Boone, Charro and unicorns...all in one post! One of the many reasons why I heart U!
ReplyDeleteyou can pull off either. and your title totally took me back to the days of b&w television and dan'l boone re-runs after school. am I THAT old?
ReplyDeletehahaha, this post made me laugh out loud.
ReplyDeleteI like the 2nd pair best - they will elongate the leg and draw the eye upward with the detail. But your hubby will know best ;)
Pair #2-less is more! Plus I like the band at the top.
ReplyDeleteI’m definitely going to have to start following some of these blogs, I just recently got into reading blogs and I’m absolutely loving them so far.
vehicle wrap las vegas thank you!
Thanks for sharing. Always a pleasure to read.