These photos are from Johnston Hartig's LA penthouse. Hartig is the co-founder of the clothing line Libertine known for vintage embellished clothing. This is not your typical surfer dude, fashion designer's home. It is eclectic at it's best.

Notice the majolica plates above the door. When was the last time you saw majolica looking so hip? And the different monograms on the towels (you may have to squint to see them)...I love how he throws everything together and it works. It really works.

The bedside lamps, covered in shells, are some more of Hartig's handy work . I really admire how he takes things we all have, ginger jars, majolica, transfer ware, old paintings and gives them his own personality. This definitely falls into my "Granny chic" category of decorating..well maybe if your granny is Blondie. Now this is all from September 2002 and I think it says a lot about his style that I still love it. But of course things have changed and Hartig's has moved. Want to see his new place? It has a little different feel...
These pictures are all from the L.A. Times Home Section.

You faithful Domino readers may recognize this room. Different art work, but everything else looks pretty much the same.

I have to say this bedroom really threw me. It doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the colorful house. Still fabulous, just different. Maybe he needs a more serene space to get a good night's sleep. I would be very happy napping in this lovely spot. Of course, I would be happy to nap anywhere these days!
So...which do you prefer? 2002 or 2009? I like 2002...I don't know what that says about my design sense..maybe that I am behind the times? The older home just seems to have more personality. Let me know...which one do you like?
ReplyDeleteLike the bedroom and kitchen but the other rooms have WAY too much stuff in them for me.
ReplyDeleteI love when people grab everyday items and use them in creative ways! It inspires me to wander around my house and take a second look at all the things that are lurking in corners and hidden in drawers and cabinets.
ReplyDeletehard to decide! i love his bedroom from 02 because it looks like a bedroom i would want in my dream cottage by the beach. the spin art, amongst the other framed pieces, white sofa, lucite table, crystal candleabra and pink roses of 09 is what i want in my real house right now!
ReplyDeleteLucky for us you've got such a great stash under your bed!!
Betsy p
I love the eclectic style he had "back in the day"! Especially, his wild use of color and mixing different styles together. It seems like he was more playful in his earlier house...
ReplyDeleteBut, I also love that he did some editing in his more recent abode. Since I live in such a small space, I have developed an immortal terror of clutter :-).